Your body has three main systems for expelling waste, all of which can be helped by drinking alkaline water. The lungs, the kidneys, and the colon.

  • The first system for expelling waste is your lungs. Every time you exhale, waste – in the form of CO2 is released. But any time you are out of breath, this system is overwhelmed and acidic waste CO2 builds up in the bloodstream and the cells. Your body then suffers from a temporary acidic condition called metabolic acidosis.

    ProTip: Sit or stand up straight! Maintaining proper posture allows your lungs to take in more air and expel more CO2

  • The second system for expelling waste is the kidneys. The kidneys expel uric acid – excess nitrogen – and other waste products as well. When the kidneys become overwhelmed acidity builds up throughout the entire body. This can be detected by measuring the pH of your urine. If your urine is constantly below a pH of approx 6.2, you are in danger of suffering from metabolic syndrome. If you are suffering from at least three of these five symptoms, you may have metabolic syndrome:
    • High Cholesterol
    • High Blood Sugar
    • Kidney Stones
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Excessive body weight

    ProTip: Monitor your urine pH over a 24 hour period. Use the average of those measurements to monitor your urine pH

  • The third system for expelling waste is your colon. To work properly, your colon needs the right pH balance, and enough water to remain hydrated. When the pH balance in your colon is too low, harmful bacteria take over and your colon becomes filled with their toxic waste. Those toxic wastes then spread throughout the entire body. When this happens, you have an upset stomach. If the colon isn’t properly hydrated, you get constipated.

    Protip: Have a glass of water first thing in the morning, right when you wake up. That encourages a process known as peristalsis – the movement of wastes through your colon.

How Alkaline Water Detoxification Works

  • Lungs – Alkaline water helps maintain your bodily fluids at the top of their ideal pH range. This allows the hemoglobin – the proteins in your blood that carry oxygen and wastes – to release waste more efficiently.

    When this system has the right pH balance, you are less likely to feel out of breath, and will feel more energetic. This is because your body becomes oxygenated.

  • Kidneys – Alkaline water raises the pH of your urine. This alone could help you overcome or avoid the symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Raising the pH of the urine also helps the kidneys work more efficiently through a process called ion trapping. Doctors use ion trapping to save the lives of poisoning victims every day.
  • Colon – Alkaline water helps the colon maintain a higher pH balance, and provides superior hydration over plain water. A higher pH balance in the colon favors beneficial probiotics – helpful bacteria in the gut. A well hydrated colon is a slippery place, so wastes are expelled easier.

Alkaline Water for Daily Detoxification

By drinking alkaline water every day, you can take maximum advantage of the detoxification benefits it offers. The benefits of alkaline water come gradually, over the long term. When you first start drinking alkaline water – if your body is very toxic – you may experience flu-like symptoms, don’t worry! This side effect of alkaline water means that your kidneys are temporarily overwhelmed by all the toxins, but this will pass in a week or two.

Given the right pH balance, and proper hydration, your body can and will get rid of wastes on its own. Drinking alkaline water is part of a healthy lifestyle that many have followed to regain control of their health.

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